As people visit Byrdseed, I ask a few questions. The results paint a pretty clear picture!
- 92% of teachers tell me they want resources they can just use.
- Only 8% prefer to create their own lessons.
- When asked about professional development, teachers overwhelmingly want examples that are more specific.
- About 2/3rds of teachers tell me they need smaller, daily lessons rather than large projects.
- Most teachers say they don’t see lessons demonstrated in classrooms, but merely hear “ideas” in presentations.
So, when people ask me why I stopped keynoting conferences and leading workshops, it’s simple. I can’t give teachers what they need by talking on a stage.
- If someone’s starving, you don’t give them a cookbook. You give them a meal!
- If someone’s drowning, you don’t sign them up for swimming lessons. You throw them a life preserver!
- If teachers are yelling, “I am way too busy!” you don’t ask them to listen to a presentation about a differentiation framework.
Busy teachers need high-quality lessons they can use directly with their students. This is what I’m hoping you’ll find at Byrdseed.TV.