Let’s talk about Chef Kenji Lopez-Alt. I have his cookbooks. But they mostly sit on my shelf. With all of my other cookbooks! See, with a cookbook, I’m always a little unsure. Am I doing this right? Did the writer skip a step or am I just bad at reading? Why are there no pictures? […]
All AboutFor Leaders
Thoughts for administrators, directors, coaches, and other leaders of gifted and talented programs.
I Didn’t Need *More* Ideas
As a teacher, I’d start by grabbing new ideas. But I didn’t need more ideas. I needed solutions!
Who bends over backwards? And for whom?
Who runs the show? Support staff or teachers?
Grow Your Own Leaders
You don’t need to hire experts to fly in and do a one-day training. Look within your ranks for potential leaders. Equip them with resources and opportunities. Grow your own leaders.
You have a new gifted program! What do you do now?
You’ve been plunked into a new 1st through 8th-grade gifted pull-out program… what do you do?
Why I Stopped Giving Talks
I made my living talking about teaching. Here’s why I’m done with that!
The Parable of the Reading Posters
Why did these reading posters go from mandatory to illegal?
How to Find Ideas for Kindergarten and Primary?
How I would find great ideas for your most advanced primary students, whether they’re in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade.
“Priority” is Singular
You can only have one priority. Anything else is a cop-out.
How Clear Is Your Gifted Program’s Purpose?
I’ve long been concerned about how gifted education, as a field, communicates it’s purpose. If we don’t have a clear story, some else will write our story for us and it won’t be pretty.