“I found your piece on kids not wanting to show their work in math really useful.” A teacher in Tasmania, Australia
“I did a Create Your Own Planet project based on your Creating In Science blog post!! I also have been inspired to make my content more interdisciplinary for my gifted students. Thank you for all your hard work and expertise!” A teacher in Virginia
“I took your Math Project: Furnish A Hotel - and made it a College Dorm Room for partners to furnish and design in 5/6th grade with IKEA catalogs. I use it almost every year” A teacher in California
Hello! I'm Ian Byrd. I've been writing about education since 2009. I grew up as a gifted student, taught gifted students, spoke at dozens of conferences, and led professional development around the US. Now, I take work off of teachers' plates by developing video lessons that they can just use. Check it out at Byrdseed.TV.